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Newsletter No. 127 - July 2019
acknowledgement of the existence of acts of harassment outside of work.
Employment contract
validity of the non-compete clause covering two continents.
Employment contract termination
consequences of not complying with the requirements of a mutually agreed termination.
Hygiene and safety
validity of an « alcohol zero tolerance » clause in the internal rules.
Employment contract
invalidity of the part-time contract providing for a “chosen time”.
Employment contract termination
acts committed outside working hours may justify a dismissal for serious misconduct.
Employment contract termination
details relating to a dismissal for a disciplinary reason.
CDD (fixed-term contract)
employee’s compensation in case of an unfair termination by the employer.
validity of the compensation schedule in case of a dismissal without real and serious cause.
details on new compensation cases.
publication of the law relating to the organization and transformation of the health system.
Newsletter No. 126 - June 2019
Mutually agreed termination
details on the sanction in case of non-observance of the rules of assistance of the employer.
Protected employee
division of powers between the judicial judge and the administrative judge.
Labor court
intermediate solution for the application of the labor court compensation schedule.
Psychological harassment
compensation and victim’s attitude.
details on the conditions of application of the “Professional future” law relating to posting.
Right to make mistakes
launch of the website oups.gouv.fr.
Personal data
last step for bringing national law in line with the GDPR.
Disabled workers
details on the obligation to employ disabled workers.
Professional equality
details on the calculation of the gender equality index.
Health costs
details on the provisions of the “100% health” basket of care.
Newsletter No. 125 - May 2019
Unfitness for work
validity of the mutually agreed termination entered into following an occupational accident.
Protected employee
consequences of the annulment of an authorization to mutually agree to terminate an employment contract.
consequences of medical unfitness for work.
Employee representative bodies
consequences of an irregular deficiency regarding an employee’s individual situation.
Employment contract termination
clarification relating to project completion.
Working time
details on control obligations.
Criminal procedure
nature of the labor inspector’s visit.
Professional equality
conditions for sanctioning companies.
Social policy
entry into force of the PACTE law.
Newsletter No. 124 - April 2019
Equal treatment
no generalization of the presumption of justification of the differences in treatment by collective agreement.
Employment contract termination
no formal notice prior to taking note of the termination.
extension of the prejudice of anxiety related to asbestos.
Staff representatives
obligation to negotiate as regards the determination of the establishments that are distinct from the CSE.
Employment contract termination
determination of the procedure allowing Pôle Emploi to recover unemployment benefits by writ of execution.
Working hours
adoption by the European Parliament, on 4 April 2019, of the directive concerning parents’ and caregivers’ work-life balance.
adoption by the European parliament, on 16 April 2019, of the directive relating to the protection of persons who inform on offences against Union law.
Social policy
final adoption on 11 April 2019 of the draft PACTE law.
Personal data
guidelines regarding human resources.
Newsletter No. 123 - March 2019
Transfer of the employment contract
refusal to communicate a QPC concerning the position of the Cour de cassation on the contractual transfer of an employment contract.
URSSAF inspection
details on the verification procedure based on sampling and extrapolation.
Transfer of the employment contract
fate of the certificate of deficiency drawn up by the divested company.
Incentive payment
value of a reference made to a collective agreement in an employment contract.
Employee benefits
consequence of the absence of information towards employees of the modification of the funding allocation.
Termination of the employment contract
validity of the RCC based on economic reasons.
promulgation of the Justice reform.
Leave for parental presence
relaxation of the conditions for access.
Newsletter No. 122 - February 2019
the application of the compensation schedule dismissed by a professional magistrate.
extending the scope of the performance safety obligation.
conventionality of the provisions relating to the obligation of parity on electoral lists.
details on the dismissal of an employee on sick leave.
Freedom of expression
union militancy is no justification for abuse.
details on the application of the principle Non bis in idem.
Economic redundancy
consequence of the absence of consultation of the CHSCT on the validity of the PSE.
publication of the first orders.
transposition of the European directive of 28 June 2018.
Newsletter No. 121 - January 2019
Digital platforms
conversion into employment contract for drivers of passenger vehicles (VTC).
Mutually agreed termination
consequences of the existence of a context of moral harassment on the validity of the contract.
Company car
reporting of traffic regulations offences.
consequences of the occupational doctor’s refusal to give an opinion on the redeployment job.
Disciplinary dismissal
importance of the time elapsing between a disciplinary suspension of the employment contract and the beginning of the procedure.
Social contributions
details on the reduction rate of extra hours contributions.
government authorized to issue orders on the subject.