Newsletter No. 83 – November 2015
Health and safety
absolute contractual obligation to provide a safe work environment and prevention measures.
Termination of employment contract
dispute concerning mobility leave.
definition of wilful misconduct (“faute lourde”).
clarification of the non bis in idem principle.
Staff representatives
scope of the works council’s entitlement to act.
Working time
restrictions on the use of hours-per-week all-inclusive agreements.
Staff representatives
scope of the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee’s entitlement to act.
Optional defined benefits pension scheme
suppression of the additional employer contribution.
Newsletter No. 82 – October 2015
consequences of refusing to pay for an expert requested by elected representatives.
Physically unfit
clarification of employee compensation.
Protected employees
renewal of a term of office outside the company and protection against termination of the employment contract.
Termination of employment contract
consequences of the ambiguous nature of a voluntary retirement.
Protected employees
clarification of material jurisdiction for recognition of co-employment.
Staff representatives
consequences of non-payment of time devoted to union responsibilities.
exception to the usual scope of order criteria.
Illegal labour
publication of the ‘blacklist’ of companies convicted for illegal labour.
Vocational training
limitation of the use of interns.
Newsletter No. 81 – September 2015
Employment contracts
notice of termination of a trial period must be paid.
Mutually agreed termination
further details provided by the French Supreme Court.
Equal pay
scope of appraisal of equal pay.
Employee representatives
limits on freedom of expression during meetings.
Working time
compensation of the travel time of "itinerant" employees.
Vocational training
electronic filing of professional training contracts.
Working on Sundays
criteria for the demarcation of geographical areas where Sunday does not have to be observed as a day of rest.
Profit sharing
further details on the calculation of the special profit-sharing reserve.
Newsletter No 80 – August 2015
Psychological harassment
termination requested by the employee is valid in the absence of any measures taken by the employer.
Collective dispute
strike is unlawful if the employer is not informed of the grievances.
Trial period
any agreement by the employee to renew a trial period must be explicit.
Probationary period
Poor performance cannot be established during the adjustment period.
“Macron” Act
major changes in social legislation.
“Rebsamen” Act
major impacts on labour relations.
Umbrella work system
unemployment benefits for umbrella company employees
Newsletter No 79 – July 2015
Employment contract
An exception to the use of the French language in labour relations.
Mutually agreed termination of employment contract
Consequences of a termination payment below the legal minimum and failure to abide by statutory periods.
Working time
Invalidity of day-per-year all inclusive agreements based on the Hotel/Cafe/Restaurant (HCR) collective bargaining agreement.
Impact of sick leave on the protection period.
Staff representatives
Scope of eligibility for union representative appointments to the Works Council.
Termination of employment contract
Clarification as to the persons qualified to sign a dismissal letter.
Behaviour of the occupational doctor does not constitute harassment on the part of the employer.
Sale of business
Article 20 of the Act dated 31 July 2014 on the third-sector economy has been abrogated with immediate effect.
Newsletter No. 78 – June 2015
Termination of employment contract
amount of severance pay owed in the event of mutually agreed termination of a journalist’s employment contract.
professional evaluation of an employee may reveal the existence of anti-union discrimination.
Health and safety
compensation related to second-hand smoke.
employee sanctions for false accusations.
Termination of employment contract
impact of a disagreement concerning the non-compete clause on the validity of the mutually agreed termination of contract.
Termination of employment contract
elements justifying the termination of the employment contract due to the employer's behaviour.
Working time
illegal day-per-year all inclusive agreements and undeclared work.
Professional elections
implementation of the reform on employer representation.
simplified geolocation standard.
Social Security declarations
streamlined measures for employers.
Newsletter No. 77 – May 2015
Staff representatives
Consequences of a cancellation of election of the Works Council members on the mandate of the CHSCT members
A request for a written explanation may constitute a disciplinary sanction
Effects of the non-competition clause on a work released notice period
Employment contract
A commercial relationship redefined as an employment contract
Physical inabilty
Clarification about the contents of the reclassification obligation
Data protection
Employers may not implement a system designed to identify child pornography violations
Newsletter No. 76 – April 2015
External mandate
failure to inform employers of external mandates does not constitute fraud, and in the event of a business transfer, the transferee must be informed of external mandates.
Wearing of headscarves
the CJEU asked to rule on an issue affecting private companies.
Staff representatives
violence committed by an employee in the performance of their mandate may be sanctioned.
Mutually agreed termination
no settlement regarding the very principle of the termination.
Portage salarial (system of umbrella companies)
definition of rules applicable by order.
Works Councils
new rules for accounting transparency.
Transnational secondment
stricter obligations for companies.
Newsletter No. 75 – March 2015
Termination of employment contract
validity of a mutually agreed termination of contract after a dismissal.
Harassment and termination requested by an employee
termination of employment contract requested by an employee due to the employer’s behaviour can be justified even if the harassment has ceased.
Non-competition clause
waiver during the performance of the contract must be expressly stipulated.
adherence to the “contract for the security of professional employment” (CSP) does not preclude the right to contest a dismissal.
“Generation contract”
extension to include the open-ended apprenticeship contracts and simplification of procedures.
Working hours
securing of the day-per-year all inclusive agreement for firms of chartered accountants and statutory auditors.
Newsletter No. 74 – February 2015
Working time
invalidity of days‑per‑year all inclusive agreements on the basis of the French national collective bargaining agreement for retailers and wholesalers of mainly food products.
New technologies
employer’s right of access to text messages sent on a business mobile phone.
Internal rules
The committee on hygiene, safety and working conditions needs to be consulted for any change regarding matters within its remit.
Severance pay
inclusion of bonus in the assessment base.
Psychological harassment
validity of a dismissal for serious misconduct following false accusations of psychological harassment.
Part-time work
certain employment agreements are exempted from the minimum 24-hour workweek.