Newsletter No. 133 – January
Reminder regarding the use of a CDD (i.e. a fixed-term contract) of replacement.
Clarification relating to the dating of facts justifying the acknowledging of a termination.
Disrespectful remarks andfreedom of expression.
Consequences of the failure to organize professional elections.
Implementation of the reform carried out by the PACTE law.
Conditions applying to the electronic notification of the CARSAT’s decisions[1].
Introduction of a tax on customary fixed-term contracts.
Newsletter No. 132 – December 2019
Psychological harassment
employer’s duty of prevention.
Professional elections
clarification on the application of a balanced representation between women and men.
Civil procedure
civil procedure reform and impact on employment law litigation.
Social policy
publication of a guidance law on mobility.
Social security
on-site corporate fitness facility.
Social security contributions
publication of the list of the sectors concerned by the bonus-penalty principle.
Digital Labor code
simplification of the access to law.
The France Télécom case
Employer sentenced for “institutional psychological harassment”.
Newsletter No. 131 – November 2019
consequences of a non-reinstatement after a parental leave.
admissibility of the attestations submitted to the labor court.
Economic redundancy
scope of the jurisdiction of the ordinary judge in case of an employment safeguard scheme (PSE).
content of the obligation to negotiate.
Working time
consequence of the illicit nature of the forfait-jours (i.e. a remuneration based on the number of days worked).
clarification on the conditions to be granted immunity from criminal prosecution in case of proceedings for public defamation.
« Macron » schedule
position of the Court of appeal of Paris on the validity of the schedule.
Professional elections
conditions for transmitting the results to the minister of employment.
modification of and clarifications on the new regime.
Newsletter No.130 – October 2019
Non-compete clause
consideration for the non-compete obligation and retirement pension.
no automatic prejudice in the absence of the single document.
Collective bargaining
clarifications on the conditions for the referendum on the validation of a minority agreement.
Sexual harassment
taking into account the attitude of the employee complaining about being harassed.
Personnel representatives
date of assessment of the protective status.
Social security
a decree on the right to make mistakes and on the URSSAF inspection procedure.
Physical appearance at work
framework decision of the Defender of rights.
Economic redundancy
new transmission portal.
Social security
presentation of the PLFSS for 2020 to the Council of ministers.
Newsletter No. 129 – September 2019
Economic redundancy
connection between the time frames for administrative and judicial remedies.
Unfitness for work
clarification relating to the obligation of redeployment.
sanction for concealing remuneration overpayments.
Psychological harassment
impact of an occupational accident covered by social security on compensation for harassment.
Health and safety
extension of the prejudice of anxiety.
accelerated labor court procedure and resignation.
impact, on the amount of compensation, of a serious misconduct committed during the notice period.
« Macron » schedule
position of the Court of appeal of Reims on the validity of the schedule.
decrees and catch-all order relating to the reform of the judicial system.
Newsletter No. 128 – August 2019
« Macron » schedule
some Labor Courts are still resisting.
Personnel’s representatives
annulment of the authorization to dismiss for omitting the employee’s external mandate.
Employee savings
implementation of certain measures of the Pacte law relating to employee savings.
Retirement savings
finalization of the reform in retirement savings.
Professional training
publication of an order correcting and completing the provisions of the Professional Future law.
Working conditions
a circular clarifies the occupational accidents and occupational illnesses “reform”.
Part-time work for health reasons
clarification on the calculation of the daily allowance.
Gender equality
publication of the gender equality index result.
Newsletter No. 127 – July 2019
acknowledgement of the existence of acts of harassment outside of work.
Employment contract
validity of the non-compete clause covering two continents.
Employment contract termination
consequences of not complying with the requirements of a mutually agreed termination.
Hygiene and safety
validity of an « alcohol zero tolerance » clause in the internal rules.
Employment contract
invalidity of the part-time contract providing for a “chosen time”.
Employment contract termination
acts committed outside working hours may justify a dismissal for serious misconduct.
Employment contract termination
details relating to a dismissal for a disciplinary reason.
CDD (fixed-term contract)
employee’s compensation in case of an unfair termination by the employer.
validity of the compensation schedule in case of a dismissal without real and serious cause.
details on new compensation cases.
publication of the law relating to the organization and transformation of the health system.
Newsletter No. 126 – June 2019
Mutually agreed termination
details on the sanction in case of non-observance of the rules of assistance of the employer.
Protected employee
division of powers between the judicial judge and the administrative judge.
Labor court
intermediate solution for the application of the labor court compensation schedule.
Psychological harassment
compensation and victim’s attitude.
details on the conditions of application of the “Professional future” law relating to posting.
Right to make mistakes
launch of the website
Personal data
last step for bringing national law in line with the GDPR.
Disabled workers
details on the obligation to employ disabled workers.
Professional equality
details on the calculation of the gender equality index.
Health costs
details on the provisions of the “100% health” basket of care.
Newsletter No. 125 – May 2019
Unfitness for work
validity of the mutually agreed termination entered into following an occupational accident.
Protected employee
consequences of the annulment of an authorization to mutually agree to terminate an employment contract.
consequences of medical unfitness for work.
Employee representative bodies
consequences of an irregular deficiency regarding an employee’s individual situation.
Employment contract termination
clarification relating to project completion.
Working time
details on control obligations.
Criminal procedure
nature of the labor inspector’s visit.
Professional equality
conditions for sanctioning companies.
Social policy
entry into force of the PACTE law.
Newsletter No. 124 – April 2019
Equal treatment
no generalization of the presumption of justification of the differences in treatment by collective agreement.
Employment contract termination
no formal notice prior to taking note of the termination.
extension of the prejudice of anxiety related to asbestos.
Staff representatives
obligation to negotiate as regards the determination of the establishments that are distinct from the CSE.
Employment contract termination
determination of the procedure allowing Pôle Emploi to recover unemployment benefits by writ of execution.
Working hours
adoption by the European Parliament, on 4 April 2019, of the directive concerning parents’ and caregivers’ work-life balance.
adoption by the European parliament, on 16 April 2019, of the directive relating to the protection of persons who inform on offences against Union law.
Social policy
final adoption on 11 April 2019 of the draft PACTE law.
Personal data
guidelines regarding human resources.